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Raelene Talbot

Breaking Barriers as an Indigenous Business Owner

Being an Indigenous business owner can be tough.

You face moments where you find yourself questioning if this is worth it.

The doubt creeping through from the back of your mind.

How do I keep going and why do I keep going?!

On top of this, duties as a mum and making sure my kid’s needs are met, the housework is done, dinners are on time, school runs, shopping, and the list just keeps going.

There have been so many moments where I have found myself wanting to curl up in a ball and hide from the world.

I’m not alone. I know there are many business owners across the world that are going through the same thing. It can be a lonely path.

But we can get through it.

For our kids. For our community. For us.

How do we break through those barriers?

My number one piece of advice – find your people!

  1. A Strong Network.

I’ve been able to build myself a great supportive network and one that I lean on in tough times like these.

A strong network for me means a sounding board. It’s always great to be able to talk about your business, ideas, and the struggles you’re going through with those that are willing to listen. They could be going through the same as you. Or could be a close friend or family member who has your best interest at heart. Whoever you choose to have in your circle will help guide you through tough times.

  1. Indigenous Business Sector

If you’re an Indigenous Business, there’s a number of organisations that you can lean on. We’ve got Indigenous Business Australia, Yarpa Indigenous Business and Employment Hub, Supply Nation, Indigenous Chamber of Commerce, and much more.

Reach out. Ask questions. Join a workshop.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, these are the people you could ask all those questions and you’ll be able to talk it out with.

  1. Write it out

My last tip is to get a diary or an app for your phone and just write out whatever is on your mind. You’ll be surprised at how much it helps if you write out your thoughts and struggles and how you can eliminate these struggles. It’s a great way to relieve stress and find solutions.

I hope these tips work for you like they work for me.

Here I am. Still standing and still wanting to pursue the dream of being a business owner to make a positive impact in the Indigenous employment sector.

I started my business Barra-gi because I want to make a positive impact on Indigenous employment and participation.

I chose the name Barra-gi because it has a connection to my people - the Gomeroi people.

Barra-gi means to fly or soar.

How powerful. Imagine an eagle soaring through a storm. The strong wind attempting to push it back, but its wings spreading graciously in the sky, it’s head down with fierce determination in its eyes.

Flying with power, being fearless, and rising higher to reach the end of the storm. I'm this eagle, I'm determined, I'm passionate to strive for success, this eagle is me! I also see this eagle as a representation of my business. Empowering Indigenous people and communities to gain meaningful opportunities for sustainable employment.

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